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Adobe Stock
Tanya Kramer is the highest paid North Huron Schools employee among employees whose salary information was made available.
The data was gathered by the Mackinac Center for Public Policy. The Mackinac Center for Public Policy is a nonprofit research and educational institute.
Highest paid employees at North Huron Schools in 2018
Rank | Employee Full Name | Amount Earned |
1 | Tanya Kramer | $76,467 |
2 | Julie Case | $70,000 |
3 | Joseph Ankley | $69,745 |
4 | Chad Knoblock | $63,789 |
5 | Darin McNabb | $63,694 |
6 | Traci Souva | $63,371 |
7 | Mindy Collier | $62,153 |
8 | Laurie Preston | $61,959 |
9 | Tracy Maurer | $61,815 |
10 | Beth Fischer | $61,159 |
11 | Sari Mellendorf | $61,052 |
12 | Durwin Jacobs | $59,588 |
13 | Karen Romzek | $59,478 |
14 | Ellen Yaroch | $59,472 |
15 | Stephanie Brining | $59,158 |
16 | Mary Ginther | $58,393 |
17 | Martin Prout | $57,000 |
18 | Charlotte Ruth-Kasper | $56,963 |
19 | Richard Wilson | $56,643 |
20 | Emily Polega | $55,313 |
21 | Jodi Golochowicz | $53,971 |
22 | Morgan Schillinger | $53,675 |
23 | Lance Tibbits | $52,809 |
24 | Michelle Mayes | $52,050 |
25 | Tina Toner | $50,000 |
26 | Amanda Schumacher | $47,080 |
27 | Lauren Fischer | $41,044 |
28 | Carey Sleight | $40,516 |
29 | Charlotte Sosnoski | $40,000 |
30 | Donald Pitts | $38,996 |
31 | Mark Polega | $35,000 |
32 | Barbara Polega | $34,734 |
33 | Karen Koroleski | $31,542 |
34 | Lynne Lesperance | $31,512 |
35 | Jacqueline Johnson | $31,053 |
36 | Carolyn Koroleski | $29,881 |
37 | Brittany Smaglinski | $29,836 |
38 | Amy Kosinski | $28,865 |
39 | Katilyn Alexander | $27,542 |
40 | Amelia Osantoski | $25,874 |
41 | Theresa Elliott | $25,710 |
42 | Claudette Pontello | $25,415 |
43 | Jeffery Kowaleski | $23,852 |
44 | Marcy Boshart | $18,844 |
45 | Lois Liedke | $16,912 |
46 | Thomas Moore | $12,308 |
47 | Stephan McIntosh | $8,123 |
48 | Karen Vigenski | $7,500 |
49 | William Goretski | $7,313 |
50 | Sergio Castro | $7,247 |
51 | Diane Smalley | $7,179 |
52 | Terry McGrath | $5,888 |
53 | Rosemary Stuehmer | $1,000 |