We'd like to hear your success stories as a Capac Alumni. We recently shared a series of Spotlight on Staff pieces and shared them with our community on social media and would like to continue with you! We want to provide our students and community with inspiration about our graduates. Success expresses itself in many different ways, educational or career accomplishments, adventures, family, and service to others are just a few that come to mind. Won't you take a moment and share some information about yourself and reach out to others and encourage them to share about themselves?
Source: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid06o86r6a3H13M6QoAxqhyvYjA5GYmjNtszk7MvuL5kc9RdxcaGZKRKY2ee6UrpmTJl&id=189983021016916