City of Saline
Recent News About City of Saline
DPW is finishing up collecting sticks and branches
DPW is finishing up collecting sticks and branches from the storms we weathered just a few weeks ago.
Hydrant Flushing begins Monday, March 27
Due to low temperatures, we are delaying our spring hydrant flushing by one week.
Police Dispatch Town Hall
City Manager O'Toole and Saline Police Department Chief Radzik will be hosting a town hall meeting to discuss dispatch options for the City of Saline Tuesday, March 14 at 6 p.m.
My Water Advisor
We know there were some issues getting registered for My Water Advisor.
DPW Working - Stay Alert
Public Works has been and will be out clearing road and right of way debris over the next few days throughout the City.
My Water Advisor 2.0 App
The new water meters installed in your homes as part of the water meter changeout program are equipped with live usage and leak alarms.
Rental Inspection Ordinance Town Hall
Community Development Director Ben Harrington will be hosting a town hall discussion on the new Rental Inspection Ordinance next Thursday, February 2 at 6 p.m. in City Council Chambers.
Who you gonna call?
Who you gonna call?
City Of Saline Will No Longer Offer Passport Services
The City of Saline will no longer be offering passport services as of February 1, 2023.
Water And Sewer Bill Adjustments
The City of Saline Treasurer's Department will be accepting requests for Summer 2022 water and sewer bill adjustments until February 10.
Parks And Recreation Master Plan
The City of Saline Parks and Recreation Department is seeking public input regarding the Saline 2023 – 2027 Parks and Recreation Master Plan.
City Council Meeting on Monday, December 5
City Council will be meeting on Monday, December 5 at 7 p.m. for their regular meeting.
Avoid the Second Shovel
Snow will be falling before we know it.
Historic District Commission Opening
There are several boards and commissions that have current openings and will have openings at the beginning of next year.
Clerk's Department will be open this Saturday
The Clerk's Department will be open this Saturday from 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. for people to come in and receive absentee ballots if they would like.
Fall leaf collection began last week
Fall leaf collection began last week.
Master Plan Town Hall
Save the date!
October FYI Newsletter
The new City of Saline FYI newsletter is out!
City Council October 17 Meeting
A new rental housing certification ordinance is being proposed to City Council at the October 17 meeting.
Annual Fall Cleanup of Oakwood Cemetery
The annual fall cleanup of Oakwood Cemetery is tentatively scheduled to begin on Monday, September 19, 2022, weather permitting.