Budget numbers looking better than expected may be explained by the state receiving federal assistance for COVID-19. | Adobe Stock
Budget numbers looking better than expected may be explained by the state receiving federal assistance for COVID-19. | Adobe Stock
Despite Michigan’s state budget coming out better than previous forecasts, according to the recent Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference, some of that boils down to a temporary boost from federal assistance, and careful planning for the future is needed, according to Rep. Phil Green (R-Millington).
Green recently commented on the state’s future economic outlook on the Michigan House Republicans website.
“State government should take a realistic look at its future prospects and operate within its means, just like families and businesses do,” Green said, according to Michigan House Republicans. “We can’t keep counting on federal bailouts to keep the state afloat -- it’s not sustainable, and it’s irresponsible.”
Rep. Phil Green
| Michigan House Republicans
Putting off fiscally responsible actions for the future not only leaves current problems for some unspecified later date but may ultimately mean those problems are much worse by the time the are gotten around to, Green said.
“If we can take some important steps now to save money, we will help avoid potentially worse and devastating cuts in the future,” he said, according to Michigan House Republicans.